So my girlfriend of two years and I just broke up. Big whoop. I'm the first man ever to have felt this way, I know. Yep, feels fuckin' great to be cheated on. All women are thoughtless, impulsive, blackhole-cunts, with nothing more on their shallow, simple minds other than filling the world with their equally worthless spawn. God, I can't wait until doomsday. Maybe I'll just get impatient and off myself. I was lying in bed (actually, in my hammock) a few moments ago, fantasizing about the feeling of a bullet in my brain. Hopefully, it would actually kill me. Otherwise, I might end up a homeless retard.
I've come to the conclusion that I must never date again. This is because, out of the three long-term relationships I've had, there has been something horribly wrong with each successive girl. Either I have the worst taste in women possible, or there's something seriously wrong with any woman who'd want to have sex with me. Either way, I'm fucked.
Girl #1: A conniving slut who ditched me for a filthy rich guy, then came crawling back to me after he ditched her for someone more attractive. What a wonderful world we live in.
Girl #2: This girl was actually pretty cool! We played gears of war together (she was an excellent gamer), she was really sweet... and she was a heavy-duty cutter. Like suicidal. And before we dated, she let a dog fuck her.
Girl #3: I don't even know where to start with this monkey-slut. It started out with me just wanting to get laid. Then I couldn't get rid of her. Then, after years of being together, I finally came to trust and respect her, which is right about the moment she got underneath another guy.
So how about it, ladies? Do any of you care about anything besides fashion and sex? This is the vibe I'm getting from the three rather pathetic LTR's (plus a lot of one monthers, one night stands, etc from my college years) I've had, and the music ya'll generally like doesn't do a whole lot to change my mind on the matter. Anyways, fuck you, I'm going to sleep. Cunt.
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